5 Different Levels in Robotics Course for Different Age Groups

Along with the development with space science, computer programming, DNA and atoms, robotics has also become a major field in science and technology. Both government and private institutes are now engaging to provide robotics training to the students. Recently, a major school started robotics classes in Delhi. The programme was aided partly by a foreign franchise and a renowned institute of robotics in India. The programme has been considered to be the most successful and the government has passed a law in the education system to include robotics as an important subject for the science students and as an optional paper for the students of other streams. Robotics classes were conducted by the professors of the robotics research institute and by some professionals from the overseas. The course which was conducted by the government was categorised according to the age limit of the students and their subject. The levels of the course are as follows:

  • The 1st level is Robo-Junior. The age limit of this level is from 6yrs to 8yrs. This course is for those kids who are fond of machines. Who play with them and want to look inside the thing to know the mechanism. It is for those who play and break them. In this level, the courses they have are- introduction to robotics, mechanics and assembly, gears and gears training, battery connections, programming and coding for kids.
  • The 2nd level is the Robo-Electro champ and it’s for those who are 9+ of age, have completed the previous level and who are interested in learning electronic circuits. The courses they have in the level are- controlling of robots manually, understanding of electronic circuits and breadboarding techniques, etc.
  • 3rd level for the robotics classes in Delhi is known as Robo-Geek. It is for 10+ age and those who have completed the previous level and has an interest in learning about sensors, soldering and wireless robots. The courses in this section are- soldering and GPB making, RF technology, etc.
  • The 4th level is Robo-Coder for the age of 11+ who wants to learn about coding a robot and micro-controlling. They provide an introduction to Arduino / Microcontroller, gears and gear trains, etc.
  • 5th and the last level is known as for candidates aging 13+ and the course teaches to make different robots with various sensors, advanced coding techniques, etc.
