It was the Petite Step towards Technological Enlightenment

As a principal of a school, I always look forward to imparting the best possible education for my students. This is what exposed me a completely newer stream which was robotics. After discussing with the experts and researching on the topic, I felt students need to understand and learn about the newer technologies. Hence, after discussions with the board, we started robotics classes in our Pune school.

There was a thorough training of the teachers who were appointed for the course. The training was given by experts and they made sure that the teachers knew everything exactly how it was to be taught. The training was crucial as a small lag could lead to the stumbling of the entire study structure. The course was designed for students aged 6 and above. The entire course completely depended on practical practise and assessment and there was no theoretical examination. At once, it became one of the favourite subjects of students as there was less of studying and more of building and understanding.

In the first level, the students were introduced to robotics, mechanics and assembling. The students gain knowledge of connecting the batteries and simple coding. In the second level of the study, the students were introduced to fixing electronic circuits. The students get to know the circuit boards and stimulators. The students understand the usage of electrical parts like diodes, resistor, capacitor etc. that helps in building a working robot. Within a few days, a lot of students and parents showed interest in the robotics classes in our Pune school.
